lördag 8 december 2007

En kommentar värd att lyftas fram så ni alla kan läsa!

Hittade denna kommentar under ett av mina inlägg. Läs Vilheminas referens till vetenskaplig artikel:

Kara promenerare! Den har kommentaren har inte namnvardesvis med just den har texten att gora men eftersom jag inte hittade en gemensam email till er alla postar jag kommentaren har. Jag tankte pa er nar jag laste i senaste numret av Psychologies (UK) foljande notis;A study by the University of Illinois has found that excercise can stimulate growth in areas of your brain associated with memory. A group of elderly people were assigned to either walk for an hour three times a week or do stretches. After six months, while there were no differences in the streching group, scans of the exercise group showed growth in several brain areas. Scientists think this is because exercise stimulates serotonin, which promotes cell growth."Fortsatt knalla guys!! :-)/Vilhelmina

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